Dienstag, 4. Februar 2020

Chris Jordan: "Can Beauty save our Planet?"

Der amerikanische Fotograf und Umweltaktivist Chris Jordan ist bekannt geworden mit seinen Fotos von zerstörten Landschaften. Eines Tages begriff er, dass Fotos und Nachrichten dieser Art und Aufrufe zur Panik völlig sinnlos sind - sie werden die Menschen nicht zum Umdenken bewegen. Der Mann spricht mir aus der Seele. In diesem Tedx Talk sagt er: "Let us make beauty a cultural priority."

Auch wenn Ihr vielleicht nicht so gut Englisch versteht, schaut Euch den Film an: Ab ca. 7.30 Minuten zeigt Chris seine großartigen Fotos von Mother Nature.


“I’m tired of hearing all the bad news exaggerated because we think that is the right thing to do. I’m tired of the term catastrophe, disaster, and especially apocalypse. The term climate apocalypse is irresponsible. Climate change is a serious long-term problem that deserves our deepest, wisest attention.

It is time to change the story. Let’s go immerse ourselves in the transformational power of beauty. Beauty and love go together; they are identical twins. Maybe the fact that we turned away from beauty is how we got ourselves into this mess in the first place. Every living being is an incomprehensibly, complex artwork, created by the universe. The more you cultivate beauty, the more it appears before you.

I’m not advocating turning away from the problems. I’m not advocating living in denial of the problems. The problems require more focus, but without the dark ball of catastrophic, terrifying energy, that can carry it without disempowerment and disrespect.

We can develop a capacity to stand in a balanced place, to stand midway between the problems and hold the miracle that we are all a part of, to bring in beauty as an essential ingredient in the healing and transformation of our world.”


Ich ergänze mit dem Satz von Thich Nhat Hanh: "Was du erschaffen willst, musst du zuerst sein."

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